Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer vs. Fall

It is definitely the middle of the summer. It is so hot outside that you can’t walk a few feet without starting to sweat and it's hard to even imagine wearing sweaters, layers and boots. But with some fall merchandise starting to hit stores, it’s making  me wonder which season I like best and which season has the best fashion. And I’m leaning very strongly towards fall.

For starters, fall has the best nail polish colors. And anybody who knows me knows that I am a completely nail polish addict. And if there’s one thing that makes me miss fall when it’s over, it’s the nail polish colors. The deep colors that are worn throughout the fall and winter always seem to look better on me. Plus, I just like the look of dark  polish, no matter if it’s a purple, a blue, or a green.

And then there’s the clothes and the shoes. I love fall because of the layering. There are so many cute cardigans and turtlenecks that you can wear with jeans and boots, or leggings and boots that just look amazing. You can put different patterns and colors of tights with skirts and dresses, or add scarves of different colors and designs to certain pieces and create so many different outfits. I just don't think you can do as much of that in the summer.

 So it’s safe to say that when summer is over, I’ll definitely miss it. I love my flip flops and shorts but I can’t wait to pull out all my fall clothes, layer, and bundle up!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Getting to know me!

Hey :)

I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile and I finally decided to just jump right in! I'll be posting about fashion and my own personal style, make-up and other beauty related items and probably some rants and raves here and there.

I  thought I'd start out by posting a tag, an idea I got from a friend who just started a blog. Just a little something so you can get to know me a little! Enjoy!

 1. What is your favorite way to shop? Online or in the actual store?
It depends on what I’m shopping. Usually in store because I hate paying for shipping but if I can only find something online that I really want, I’ll buy it.

2. What is your favorite store?
Nordstrom, Forever 21, H&M, The Limited and…Target!

3. What store do you buy the most things from?
Nordstrom and Forever 21. 

4. What is your favorite thing to shop for?
I don’t have a favorite thing to shop for! I love shopping for anything….except grocery shopping. Despise that.

5. Do you usually pay with case, credit, check or debit?
Depends what I’m carrying with me, but usually debit.

6. Are you addicted to shopping?
Absolutely. But not in a bad way.

7. Are you in major debt because of shopping?

8. How often do you go to the mall?
All the time…partially because I work there and partially because I just love to shop.

9. What is the last thing you bought?
A dress.

10. What store was it from?
11. Who is your favorite person to shop for?
Myself! Haha but besides that, my friends.

12. Would you ever buy clothes at walmart?
I would. Usually just basics but sometimes they have really cute stuff!

13. Do you own a pair of shoes that cost more than 200 dollars?
I do not.

14. Do you ever use coupons?
Love em!

15. Do you buy most of your clothes on clearance?
I don’t go into a store intending to buy stuff on clearance but I will if I find something that I like.

16. Have you ever shopped till you dropped?
Oh yeah.

17. Do you ever try things on at the store?
Rarely. I hate waiting for a dressing room. The only thing I always try on is pants because I have a really hard time finding pants that fit right.

18. Who is your favorite person to go shopping with?
Myself. I hate waiting for other people to try stuff on so I can keep shopping!

19. Do you choose paper or plastic?

20. Do you use a basket, cart, or nothing?
If I’m at the grocery store, a cart or a basket, depending on what  I’m going to get.

21. When you check out, is the total always more or less than you thought?
More! Always more!

22. Are you an impulse shopper?
For some things but not all.

23. Do you always buy the candy that they sell next to the registers?
Occasionally but not always.

24. If you had to pick one thing, shopping or chocolate, which one would you pick?